"End of Glorious Day", Pastel
11 x 14" on Pastelbord.
This is one of my latests yet - early works. One more painting what I started a while ago
(almost 3 years), hated much about it and finally decided to do some restoration and repaint
all I do not like. Therefore... I left mostly untouched my keep part (what was a sky)
and scratched foreground and some mid-ground off with bristle brush.
What You see here is completely new work with elements of old one...
Not the easiest way to do things, but I hope at the end it was worth it.
I like it much better now.
This is also my very first painting I finished on my new studio easel.
I got that one used from one of my horse-loving friends and promised to her
to put it in good use... I love it.
... and just to compare - original photo of the same art work,
how it used to look like few years ago...