After all I finished it and framed. Looking good (at my opinion).
Now comes the hurdest question: what show to try out ?.... Mmmmm.....
After all I finished it and framed. Looking good (at my opinion).
Now comes the hurdest question: what show to try out ?.... Mmmmm.....
Black Canson Pastel Paper
Holbein, Mount Vision
and other mixed soft pastels.
Spent about 30-40 min. tonight working on this Plein Air sketch. I like this place on Susquehanna, unfortunatelly weather and sky tonight didn't give me anything magnificent to work with. Oh, well, still pretty place! :-)
Cray Pass Specialist
Sketch book.
About 7 x 9"
This is a sketch of our local area in the woods (love that place!) that looks like something out of Lord Of The Rings.
This time I got a good pic. of trees with stone wall, partially demolished by time. Beautiful!... I'm going to paint it someday (and probably more then once) at something big and good. This time just a sketch.
I'm getting to the point to call it finished, but probably will work just some more tomorrow with the very front of this painting and hopefully will take a good photo of it.
I used even more different pastel brands on it, and even more pencils! Still - fron part doesn't look totally finished yet, but I have to stop for this night.
Have some bigger paintings in progress needed to be finished, BUT, here we are again - started on another small painting. I think main idea is - I need to have something finished in this life time!
Below: my reference and my WIP.
Below: WIP, about actual size.
Canson paper, Pastel pencils
At the end of day we managed to get out for about whole hour of day light!... I did another Plein Air sketch with pastel pencils. This time it was a nice tall willow right on the middle of the swamp. Love swamps and moskitos - they keep people away, so I can paint! :-)
Today I managed to finish this one and even try a new frame on it. Love it (the frame!). I think it goes well with this style of small works. Also, I have the same frame for my other miniature of Cove Creek what I finished last month. Tomorrow hope to do some glass cutting and have them both ready to hung!
I'm working on one more WIP and this one has some chance to be finished SOON, because it is so small. Main reason why I even started it in the middle of all our constructions.
Interesting thing about this seascape - usually I'm working from smaller reference to bigger paiting, however with miniatures it works often just the opposit way around.
Ampersand pastel board
Holbein and Mount Vision Soft Pastels
Mixed Pastel pencils.