Thursday, August 20, 2015

"Waterway with Lilies", pastel.

"Waterway with Lilies",
12 x 12", Pastel on Pastelbord.

Sometimes, when revisiting one of those old favorite paintings, 
I starting to think :"What if..."
What if I would have done this different, or that different,
 soften that edge, play contrast here or there...
Well, good news, when I'm looking at one of my PASTEL paintings,
it all is still possible.
"Paintings are never finished, just abandoned..."
I think it perfect description of pastel paintings. 
One can always go back... if only one has a desire!...
With this in mind I spent my evening playing with this piece.
It is a risky game sometime, but today it just worked out for me.
So here is a new version of 'Waterways".
I like it. I hope You do too.

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