Friday, January 29, 2010

"Peonies" by Tatiana Myers. WIP. Update #1.

"Peonies" by Tatiana Myers. 11 x 14" WIP. Oil Pastel on board.

Today I started layering Oil Pastel over my underpainting. I'm working from the top of picture down, segment by segment. Not like I accomplished a lot, but you can see already how oil pastel bringing up color and light into this work. Big difference compare to underpainting.

Also I think I know what frame I may want for it. I don't have this one yet, but still can Photoshop in together with the picture.


  1. I already commented on the Daily Painters of PA site, but I just noticed that gorgeous dark blue between the leaves...sigh...

  2. Beautiful, simply beautiful. This is going to be a zinger.

  3. Thank You, Pat. I'm working on it!

  4. Thank You, Adriana!

    Let hope it will stay this way. :-)

  5. This is a beautiful painting, to say the least.

    I checked on my white Peony in the yard this week and it is putting up shoots. I look forward to it in bloom.

  6. Thank You, Peggy!
    I like my peonies in the garden too, but this was a first time when I tried to paint it... It was enjoinment!



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