Last weekend we took 3 of my paintings to regional juried art show in York, Pa.
This afternoon I received a phone call from York, stating that my oil pastel "Awakening" just won Award of Excellence.
This is my first show season after 20 years of brake in serious art work, first juried show in United States and first (second, if count OP Society on-line show 2009) show with entering of my oil pastel. More to it, I started with OPs about 8 month ago. Everything has happened so rapid, I barely can believe it myself!
I know nothing how two my other works did, but it doesn't really matter at this point. Awakening was my very special work from very beginning of it and I'm extremely glad to know, that out of 3 represented at show, oil pastel was a one to be recognized as something special!
Just to remind everybody how this painting is look like, here is a link to its thread. I never managed to get a really good photo of it, but oh, well! Hope they have good lights in the show room! :-)