Above: Lady Bug in mixed media.
Last summer I went to our friends farm where we are keeping our horses and took few hundreds of pictures once again... My favorite one at that day happened to be a portrait of Lady Bug, young Morgan mare, posing for me perfectly on a background of majestic blue mountains. I loved her head shot so much then soon after did my first painting of her in mixed media an now returned to the same reference photo to try it in Oil Pastels. First I did a quick painting with Erengy on watercolor paper, just to worm up before serious work; and then started my painting on Colourfix with Holbein OPs.

Above: Lady Bug In Erengy. Sketch.
I used Art Spectrum and some Caran D'Ache gouache for underpainting and very little amount of Walnut Hollow pencils for small details.
Below: Lady Bug in Holbein OPs. WIP.

As usually when it comes to the sky of water, I had to use some Sennelier OPs, because at my opinion they are most suitable for it. Also for details I'm going to use a wash of Neopastels, but I'm not up to that point yet.
Do not pay any attention to her eyes and ears, it is nearly not finished, mostly just an underpainting. :-)

And after few month right before new year I went back to finish some of my old works, including this one. So here is Lady Bug. Finished after all.